Diagnosis of the Agricultural and Fisheries Sector in the State of Sonora: Issues, Affected Rural Population, and Potentialities."
agricultural, fiheries, SonoraSynopsis
The realization of this research was made possible thanks to the support of the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Rural Development, Fisheries, and Food (SAGARPA) and the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Hydraulic Resources, Fisheries, and Aquaculture of the Government of the State of Sonora (SAGARHPA), which, through the State Technical Evaluation Committee (CTEE), an auxiliary instance of the Agricultural and Livestock Development Fund of the State of Sonora (FOFAES), financed the research. It is noteworthy that SAGARPA provided fundamental intervention through the operational structure of its Rural Development Districts throughout the state of Sonora.
We thank Dr. Ramón Pacheco, General Director of CIAD, A.C., for the facilities provided to participate in the bidding for this research. Likewise, to the Coordinator of the Linkage area, Dr. Juan Pedro Camou, for his unconditional support.
We also acknowledge the support provided by Dr. Sergio Sandoval Godoy, Coordinator of the Regional Development area and president of the Internal Scientific Editorial Committee of Publications of CIAD, A.C.
It is worth mentioning that the study was made possible thanks to the active participation, in participatory workshops, of producers from the agricultural and fisheries sectors, as well as officials from SAGARPA from the coastal, high sierra, low sierra, and valleys regions. We appreciate the participation of researchers and academics, officials, representatives of productive chains, technicians, and producers for their participation in the forum on productive potentials of the state of Sonora.
We thank the participation of Engineer Fernando Miranda Blanco, State Delegate of SAGARPA, Engineer Héctor Antonio Navarro Corella, Deputy Delegate of Planning and Rural Development of SAGARPA, Engineer Sergio Córdova Murrieta, Coordinator of the State Technical Evaluation Committee, for their comments and contributions to the document.
It is of utmost importance to mention the contribution and recommendations of Engineer Héctor H. Ortiz Ciscomani, Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock, Hydraulic Resources, Fisheries, and Aquaculture, Lic. Rito Edel Castellanos, Liaison Advisor of SAGARHPA, Lic. Germán Bleizeffer Vega, Undersecretary of Agriculture of SAGARHPA, and other officials of the state administration who kindly participated in the progress meetings of the research.
We highlight the enthusiastic participation of colleagues Lic. Aida Espinoza and M.C. Marisol Arvizu Armenta for their contribution to the design and editing of this book.
Finally, we dedicate our effort to the producers of the agricultural, livestock, and fisheries sectors of the state of Sonora.
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Directorios de Sistemas Producto Agrícolas, Pecuarios y Pesqueros del Estado de Sonora.
Directorios de Productores de las regiones Costeras, Sierra alta, Sierra baja, valles de yaqui, mayo, Guaymas y Caborca.
Directorio de presidentes municipales de los municipios del Estado de Sonora. Directorio de funcionarios de SAGARPA y SAGARHPA Sonora


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