Editorial policy

AMIDI.Biblioteca digital repository has its editorial policy based on delimiting in two semester periods, the updating of its contents or works (books, book chapters, or conference proceedings) associated with a privacy statement of the authors' data as well as the criteria of use of Creative Commons licenses which favor the global exchange of knowledge that does not imply a monetary cost for the authors in accessing their documents once accepted and published.

In addition, it follows a strict policy of originality and similarity of no more than 20% of the contents of the articles, as well as being a permanent member of various bibliometric instances to be consulted in the indexed section, such as CROSSREF that Digital Object assigns. Identifier (DOI, Digital Object Identifier) ​​to each of the published works, facilitating the link in their citations. On the other hand, AMIDI.Biblioteca digital repository promotes that each work be encoded in formats allowing digital preservation of information under the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) licensing.

All published eBooks have, at the end of each of them, the authorized double-blind peer review letter.

AMIDI.Biblioteca digital repository is against any discriminatory expression of race and gender or hate messages within its contents.