Essays 2019: From Questionnaire to Scale: Exhibition of Research Papers in Management Sciences as a Basis for Innovation
Cuestionario, Escala, Administración, InnovaciónSynopsis
From Questionnaire to Scale: Exhibition of Research Papers in Management Sciences as a Basis for Innovation aims to bring together a series of essays prepared by doctoral students in Management Sciences (DCA) at the University Center for Economic and Administrative Sciences (CUCEA) of the University of Guadalajara (UdeG), based on what was learned in the course of Selected Topics: Questionnaire Design and Scale Creation. These essays are primarily aimed at conducting a dissertation exercise that reinforces either the argumentation of their thesis in the methodological part or contributes to the subject matter.
For both cases, the relevance of their writing starting from the introduction to develop the concepts and/or models that justify the basis of the opposing points to be addressed is highlighted, being the foundation for conducting the discussion that allows clarifying the expected contribution. Finally, essential concluding points are presented to serve the reader and the presenter for further studies.
Thus, this work is divided into ten essays, where the first one: Validation of a scale for measuring factors that integrate a model of exponential transformation defines organizations whose impact or result is disproportionately large, at least ten times superior when compared with their competitors, due to the use of new organizational techniques that take advantage of exponential technologies. Exponential organizations will dominate future markets, and successful organizations of the past will not be able to continue succeeding if they do not change the way they operate, as they have been exposed for years to premature obsolescence. The purpose of this research will be to describe the steps for validating a scale that allows measuring the degree to which the factors that integrate a theoretical model of exponential transformation for medium-sized enterprises relate. Likewise, it will seek to detail how through factorial analysis it will be possible to define the structure of the proposed model and determine if such information can be condensed into smaller factors or components.
The second: Multivariate analysis techniques used in the agricultural sector will mention some of the contributions, definitions, origins, applicability, importance, among others, of multivariate analysis techniques and some research used will be highlighted considering their proposed objectives, their results, and how they supported the agricultural sector. Some research where multivariate analysis techniques were applied in the agricultural sector in an international and national context are related.
The third contribution: Scales for measuring peace in organizations: The new challenge for researchers. Currently, the high levels of stress experienced by the economically active population, especially working-class people who mostly reside in large cities, are associated with various psychosocial factors that are sources of stress and negatively affect the quality of life and health of the population worldwide. This essay aims to provide indications of how to measure these factors through factorial analysis.
The fourth section: Structural analysis in economic administrative sciences, a bibliometric analysis is carried out regarding the use of structural equations in the field of economic administrative sciences. This is in order to contribute a little more to disseminating the utility of this tool in said field.
The fifth essay: Process of creating scales through an exploratory factorial analysis seeks to explain in a clear manner how the use of an exploratory factorial analysis (EFA) helps in the scale creation process of a research. For a more accurate understanding, images of each of the steps that were carried out for the creation of scales through the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program will be used. It is also important to highlight that the use of EFA for scale creation is relevant because it provides the parameter to analyze if what is being done in the research will be correct to subsequently use a confirmatory factorial analysis (CFA).
The sixth work: Creation of scales and questionnaire design from the study and analysis of business cooperation aims to analyze the importance of correctly creating scales within the design of questionnaires in the study of business cooperation, since this can provide information closer to the reality of the situations that occur in the interaction of the topic with the dimensions that influence it and the variables involved in the research to find findings that give us data, through which the statistical value that the relationships that act on the topic treated may have can be determined.
The seventh contribution: The importance of questionnaire design for scale creation in economic administrative sciences mentions the importance and degree of application of the questionnaire as a very useful technique within economic administrative sciences, this due to its easy applicability; its ability to be applied massively in a standardized way and its capacity to be applied impersonally. The objective of this essay is to conceptualize the questionnaire tool, as well as the elements necessary for its construction and validation in order to turn it into a scale.
The eighth essay: Proposal of factors and measurements to explain the competitiveness of the Mexican meat sector in international markets, takes into account the meat industry as the object of study, whose main purpose is to inform the reader based on a literature review or contributions from other authors, the factors and indicators that should be used to measure the competitiveness of the Mexican sector in terms of exports in international markets. This will generate a precedent and support for subsequently conducting a confirmatory factorial analysis, the theory will be fundamental to assemble the factors, indicators, and scales of the competitiveness variable of the sector in international markets, which is one of the dependent variables of the proposed model in the doctoral thesis.
The ninth work: SEM, a proposal for business model innovation in a research center, aims to review the second-order multivariate analysis technique called Structural Equation Modeling in a proposal for business model innovation in a research center. It also aims to emphasize the various submodels such as structural, measurement, reflective measurement, and formative measurement, as well as data analysis tools in the creation of predictive models. This method is increasingly expanding due to its acceptance in the social sciences, its more flexible approach, and the emergence of increasingly sophisticated programs such as EQS and PLS.
Finally, the work: Empirical essay for the creation of a scale that measures; quality, attention, and school services using Exploratory Factor Analysis by Principal Components, aims to demonstrate the validity of a scale aimed at measuring academic services and attention provided at the University Center for Economic and Administrative Sciences (CUCEA) using the statistical method of Exploratory Factor Analysis, by Principal Components. The base documents of the essay for its creation are presented. The idea is that it serves as a tool to help those interested in using this type of methodology, that is, moving from purely theoretical aspects to empirical practice in the application of this type of methodology. The software used in this work was SPSS Statistics Version 21. It is intended that this essay serves as a guide for the realization of works that aim to reduce variables, through Factor Analysis for the creation of reliable scales for measurement. Currently, the OECD has instructed the need to implement this type of analysis in works that aim to measure variables, with the aim of giving them rigorous validity. This essay mainly addresses the empirical part of the technique and leaves aside the theoretical aspects, moving from theory to practice.
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