Essays 2019: Interdependent Approach to Multivariate Analysis and its Application in Management Sciences as a Foundation for Innovation
Analisis Multivariante, Interdependiente, Administraci´on, Innovaci´onSynopsis
The present work, Essays 2019: Interdependent Approach to Multivariate Analysis and its Application in Management Sciences as a Foundation for Innovation, aims to bring together a series of essays developed by students of the Doctorate in Management Sciences (DCA) at the University Center for Economic and Administrative Sciences (CUCEA) of the University of Guadalajara (UdeG), based on what they learned in the Quantitative Research II course. These essays are oriented towards either reinforcing the argumentation of their thesis in the methodological part or contributing to the subject matter. In both cases, the relevance of their writing is highlighted, starting from the introduction to develop the concepts and/or models that justify the basis of the opposing points to be discussed, serving as the basis for the discussion that clarifies the expected contribution. Finally, essential concluding points are presented to serve the reader and the presenter for further studies.
Thus, this work is divided into ten essays, where the first essay: Exploratory Factor Analysis for the Creation of a Linear to Exponential Organization Transformation (ExOs) Model conceptualizes these, emphasizing their disproportionately large impact or result, at least ten times greater when compared to their competitors, due to the use of new organizational techniques that take advantage of exponential technologies. Its purpose is to describe how through exploratory factor analysis it is possible to examine the relationships between the set of variables that make up a theoretical model of exponential transformation for medium-sized enterprises.
The second essay: Exploratory Factor Analysis and its Adoption in Agroindustrial Value Chains, aims to describe a guideline or a guide on how an ideal factor analysis could be generated to select the factors that explain the proposed model, with an emphasis on the Food Safety variable in production in Mexico, which in turn helps national products compete with other countries prominent in food production, for example: Brazilian, Chinese, Australian, or American chains.
The third contribution: Exploratory Factor Analysis and its Use in Corporate Social Responsibility aims to introduce the technique of exploratory factor analysis and analyze its utility within the discipline of social sciences. Likewise, an analysis of the authors who have been working on it more recently is conducted to distinguish the most novel uses of it, as well as to identify new trends that have emerged in the development and implementation of the tool.
In the fourth section: Multivariate Statistical Analysis of Clusters or Conglomerates in Stakeholder Groups Related to Cooperation, the applicability of interdependent multivariable techniques, referring to cluster or conglomerate analysis used for the study of business cooperation, is carried out to study the factors through which conglomerates can be located that intervene in actions that can generate positive synergy among entrepreneurs, as well as to identify actions belonging to the same interest group.
In the fifth essay: Exploratory Factor Analysis: A Bibliometric Study of the State of the Art in Economic-Administrative Sciences, an analysis of the state of the art and the use of exploratory factor analysis over the last 10 years is conducted to draw conclusions on whether the technique has been used more frequently in economic-administrative sciences.
The sixth work: Forms of Training Artificial Neural Networks in a Purchase Intent Project in an Advanced Field, seeks to analyze the state of the art and the use of exploratory factor analysis over the last 10 years to draw conclusions on whether the technique has been used more frequently in economic-administrative sciences.
The seventh contribution: Bibliometric Analysis of Cluster Technique Use for Economic-Administrative Sciences is considered important as it will contribute to understanding where the study of business clusters is currently located in Mexico and therefore, to develop the tools they need for their benefit.
The eighth essay: Contributions of a Prospective Analysis for Development in the Coffee Sector aims to define the concept of prospecting and see its different contributions to diverse sectors such as the mentioned sector, and determine its applicability in coffee production, specifically, and finally, to make a comparison where the use of these tools in the sector in general is recorded.
The ninth work: Multivariate Statistical Factor Analysis, Components, and Indicators for Competitiveness, the power of the tool in the article, aims to discuss the concepts handled by the OECD on the particular, suggesting that the studies carried out should use this analysis tool as a preliminary study, confirming the validity and authenticity of using a previously proven methodology.
Finally, the work: Multivariable Analysis Techniques: Alternatives to Measure the Impact of Training on Organizational Results seeks to expose only from the theoretical contributions given by literature, a multivariate analysis technique, factor analysis, that could shed light on the relationship between the training provided and the results obtained by the organization.
It is the desire of the coordination of this work that it contributes to the reader's interest in knowing the projects that are being developed and to inform them of the opportunities that arise, in order to follow up on their evolution during their stay in the graduate program.
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